
How to get free traffic from Quora

Hey, before we go deep into the “Actionable tips” to get free traffic from Quora, I need to refresh your memory about Quora!

Quora Statistics Recap

Here are the top five Quora statistics that marketers should know:

  • Quora has 300 million monthly active users.
  • The site has a 43/57 female-to-male ratio.
  • Adult users who are 18 years and older with a household income greater than $100K spend 2x more time on Quora than LinkedIn.
  • Mobile generates the most impressions and click-throughs on Quora Ads Users spend an average 4:11 minutes on Quora

Maximizing your presence on Quora doesn’t require a significant time investment, and it can prove invaluable for any business. To harness the potential of this platform, it’s essential to provide insightful responses to pertinent questions.

However, this process can become cumbersome, and your valuable answers may go unnoticed. To ensure your Quora efforts have the most significant impact, I employ the following strategy:

1. Identify Quora questions with high views but limited responses.

2. Use Google to search for these questions with the following format:
– keyword “1 answer” “k views”

For instance, if you’re promoting Simple Analytics, a privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics, search for keywords like “Google Analytics,” “Ga4,” “privacy-friendly analytics,” etc., using the following syntax:

– google analytics “1 answer” “k views”

This search technique will uncover questions related to your chosen keywords that have only one answer but have attracted a substantial number of views (feel free to adjust the parameters as needed).

This is precisely where you want to be!

By providing a thoughtful response and subtly mentioning your business where it’s contextually relevant, you can become the top-rated answer and gain significant visibility.


We deployed this quick actionable tip for a startup that helped them grow to 23K MRR